Access Your Personal church information


Welcome to your personal account, a section of our website devoted to helping you manage your personal and financial information as part of the Colonial Church community. Read through the options below to access or create an account with Breeze, our church management system:

  • We invite you to have an account in Breeze so that we can efficiently share the many opportunities for participation in the life of our congregation.

    Members may update their own photos and contact information so you can get the church community's latest news and information.

    Update your financial information, check your donation receipts, or make donations at

  • Create a personal account with Breeze at​.

    Select Create Account.

    If your name and email are already in our system, the church office will connect your login within 24 hours.

    If we don't already have your contact information, you'll see a message that reads: Sorry, we were unable to find a profile matching this information. Contact the church office at with help getting registered securely.